Psychique diseuse de bonne aventure - un automate qui lit l’esprit de Twitter (26 / 32 étapes)

Croquis complet avec quelques interprétations

Version 9. C’est l’esquisse de traitement psychique de cerveau au moment de la libération de ce Instructable.
Toute modification sera sur le repo Git


// -----------------------
// ----
// 2013
// version 9
/* -----------------------
This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
(at your option) any later version.

This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU General Public License for more details.

You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
along with this program. If not, see .

// This sketch is the mind control of Psychic Fortune Teller, an automaton that can read the collective mind of twitter
// It has a Processing brain connected to a Twitter app, connecting via OAUTH
// It harvests tweets from predefined searchs
// Deconstructs the weet content into words, hashtags, usernames and urls
// Then uses these to create fortune readings, which it speaks using text-to-speeach
// it also tweets a summary.

// RESPECT to...
// JER THORP - Visualisation is based on his code example
// see
// Awesome!
// The people behind twitter4j
// see
// using here, version 3.03
// NOTE - you have to have the twitter4j library installed in the libraries folder for this to work!
// You need to register your app to get OAUTH keys for Twitter4j
// You can put them in a separate tab in your sketch
// Andreas Schlegel - controlP5 GUI Library
// see
// For positioning see (also Andreas Schlegel -
// ----
// Nikolaus Gradwohl for the GURU text to speech library for Processing
// see
// -----------------------

// -----

entrée en vigueur

// >>>>>>
boolean serialCheckInt=true;
boolean grabtweetCheckInt=true;
boolean loadSettingsFirstLoadFlag=true;
boolean loadstopWordsCheckInt=true;
// <<<<<< end load flags

// >>>>> fortune variables initialisations
int tweetTextOutro = int (random(99));
String tweetSendTrigger ="fireTweet";
String fortuneGreeting = "I have stared deep into the hive mind. ";
String fortune = "";
String fortuneSpoken = "";
int widthRandomiser = 120;
// <<<<<<

// >>>>>> gui variables init...
String tfUserCurrent =""; // used to check what is in the username text box
String tfTextCurrent =""; // used to check what is in the free-text text box
int valFocus = 0; // default
color focusBackgroundColor = color (255, 255, 00);
color focusOffBackgroundColor = color (0, 0, 0);
color focusOffColor = focusBackgroundColor ;
color focusColor = focusOffBackgroundColor;
color clPanel = color(70, 130, 180);
// <<<<<<

// >>>>>> ArrayLists to hold all of the words that we get from the imported tweets
ArrayListstopWords = new ArrayList();
ArrayListcleanTweets = new ArrayList();
ArrayListwords = new ArrayList();
ArrayListhashtags = new ArrayList();
ArrayListusernames = new ArrayList();
ArrayListurls = new ArrayList();
ArrayList tweetster = new ArrayList();
String uberWords [] = new String[0]; //massive array to build up history of words harvested
String uberHashtags [] = new String[0]; //massive array to build up history of hashtags harvested
String uberUsers [] = new String[0]; //massive array to build up history of users harvested
String uberUrls [] = new String[0]; //massive array to build up history of urls harvested
String queryString = ""; //
String queryType = ""; //
ArrayListfortFrags1 = new ArrayList();
ArrayListfortFrags2 = new ArrayList();
ArrayListfortFrags3 = new ArrayList();
ArrayListfortFrags4 = new ArrayList();

// <<<<<< Variables for admin and tweettexts - e.g Array for containing imported admin settings from Google spreadsheet (init with default settings)
String adminSettings [] = {
"#hivemind", " "weird", "100", "50000", "h", "500", "Psychic Hive-Mind Fortune Reader", "Greetings Master. I am a-woken"

String tweetTextIntro="";
String readingSettingText="";
int panelHeight = 60;
int border = 40;
int boxY = 515;
int boxWidth = 270;
int boxHeight = 40;
int columnPos2_X = 310;

// >>>>>> grabTweets Timer settings >>>>>>>>>>>
float grabTime = millis();
float timeNow = millis();
String stamp = year()+"-"+month()+"-"+day()+"-"+hour()+"-"+minute();// <<<<<<

Mettre en place la bibliothèque de renforcement interface GUI (ControlP5)

// >>>>>> GUI library and settings
import controlP5.*; // import the GUI library
ControlP5 cp5; // creates a controller (I think!)
ControlFont font;
controlP5.Button b;
controlP5.Textfield tf;
controlP5.Textlabel lb;
// <<<<<<<

Mettre en place une bibliothèque de conversion texte-parole (le gourou)

// >>>>>>> import GURU text-to-speech library
import guru.ttslib.*; // NB this also needs to be loaded (available from
TTS tts; // create an instance called 'tts'

// <<<<<<<

// >>>>>>> import standard processing Serial library
import processing.serial.*;

Serial port; // create an instance called 'port'
// <<<<<<<

// >>>>>> needed to stop Twitter overpolling from within sendTweet
float tweetTimer = 5000; // wait period (in milliseconds) after sending a tweet, before you can send the next one
float timerT=millis(); // temporary timer for sendTweet
float delayCheck; //delayCheck; // THIS IS IMPORTANT. it i what stops overpollin g of the Twitter API
// <<<<<< End of main initialisation

Fonction SETUP() principal...

void setup() {
tts = new TTS(); // create text to speech instance
tts.speak(adminSettings[8]);// preloaded, not web
println (" adminSettings 1 " + adminSettings); // DEBUG STUFF
for (int i = 0 ; i < adminSettings.length; i++) {
println("adminSettings["+i+"]= "+adminSettings[i]); // DEBUG STUFF
try {
loadRemoteAdminSettings(); // loads Twitter search parameters from remote Google spreadsheet
println ("adminSettings 2 "+adminSettings);
tts.speak("I am connected to the web. Master.Your commands have been loaded into my brain"); // DEBUG STUFF - SPOKEN OUT. ONLY WORKS IF CONNECTION WORKS
catch (Exception e) {
tts.speak("I am sorry. I am not able to connect to the web. Your commands have not been loaded into my brain master"); // DEBUG STUFF
loadRemoteStopWords();// load list of stop words into an array, loaded from a remote spreadsheet

// >>>>>>> screen size and settings....
size(screen.width-border, screen.height-border);// USE THIS SETTING FOR EXPORTED APPLICATION IN FULLSCREEN (PRESENT) MODE
background(0); // SET BACKGROUND TO BLACK
// <<<<<<<

// >>>>> Make initial serial port connection handshake
println(Serial.list());// // DEBUG STUFF - display communication ports (use this in test for available ports)
try {
port = new Serial(this, Serial.list()[0], 115200); // OPEN PORT TO ARDUINO
catch (ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException ae) {
// if errors
println ("-------------------------");
println ("STOP - No PORT CONNECTION");
println ("Exception = "+ae); // print it
println ("-------------------------");
println ("-------------------------");
// <<<<<<<


grabTweets(); // Now call tweeting action functions...

println ("finished grabbing tweets");
println ();
println ();
} // <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< end of setup() <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<

Fonction principale LOOP()

void draw() {
int panelTop= height-panelHeight;
buttonCheck("HELLO"); // on screen check button every loop


try {
println ();
if ((timeNow-grabTime)>float(adminSettings[4])) {

// >>>>>> Draw a faint black rectangle over what is currently on the stage so it fades over time.
fill(0, 30); // change the latter number to make the fade deeper (from 1 to 20 is good)
rect(0, 0, width, height-panelHeight);
// <<<<<<

// >>>>>>> WORDS
// Draw a word from the list of words that we've built
int i = (int (random (words.size())));
String word = words.get(i);
println ("word = "+word+" #"+i);
// <<<<<<<

// >>>>>>> HASHTAGS
//Draw a hashtag from the list of words that we've built
int j = (int (random (hashtags.size())));
String hashtag = hashtags.get(j);
// <<<<<<<

// >>>>>> USERNAMES
//Draw a username from the list of words that we've built
int k = (int (random (usernames.size())));
String username = usernames.get(k);
// <<<<<<

// >>>>>> URLS
//Draw a url from the list of words that we've built
int l = (int (random (urls.size())));
String url = urls.get(l);
// <<<<<<

// >>>>> Put url somewhere random on the stage, with a random size and colour
fill(255, 255, 0, 255);
textSize(random(30, 40));
text(url, random(width)-widthRandomiser, random(panelTop)); //

fill(255, 0, 0, 255);
textSize(random(40, 45));
text("#"+hashtag, random(width)-widthRandomiser, random (panelTop));

textSize(random(45, 60));
fill(255, 255);

text(word, random(width)-widthRandomiser, random (panelTop));

fill(0, 255, 22, 255);
textSize(random(35, 45));
text(" random(width)-widthRandomiser, random (panelTop));

// --------------
// following is for text boxes background.
tfUserCurrent=tf.getText() ; //check the text box content every loop
println ("tfUserCurrent= "+tfUserCurrent); // DEBUG STUFF
catch (Exception e) {
println ("inside DRAW()");
checkSerial() ; // check serial port every loop

Fonction SENDTWEET() - envoie tweets !

// >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> SEND THAT TWEET >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>

void sendTweet (String tweetText) {

if ((tfUserCurrent.equals(""))!=true) { // THE BOX CAN'T BE EMPTY
timerT=millis(); // reset the timer each time

if (timerT-delayCheck>=tweetTimer)
// this is needed to prevent sending multiple times rapidly to Twitter
// which will be frowned upon!
delayCheck=millis(); // RESET A TIMER

println("tweet being sent"); // DEBUG STUFF
println("tfUserCurrent = "+ tfUserCurrent); // DEBUG STUFF
tweetTextIntro = readingSettingText; // INITIALISE THE INTRO TEXT VARIABLE...
println("tweet Send actions complete over"); // DEBUG STUFF

ConfigurationBuilder cb2 = new ConfigurationBuilder();
// ------- NB - the variables twitOAuthConsumerKey, are in a seperate tab

Twitter twitter2 = new TwitterFactory(;

try {
Status status = twitter2.updateStatus(fortune);
println("Successfully tweeted the message: "+fortune + " to user: [ + status.getText() + "]."); // DEBUG STUFF
catch(TwitterException e) {
println("Send tweet: " + e + " Status code: " + e.getStatusCode());
} // end try
else {
tts.speak("You have not entered your Twitter user nayme. Sorry. I cannot reed your fortune. without this") ; // THE BOX WAS EMPTY
// <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< END SEND TWEETS <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<

Fonction GRABTWEETS() - c’est la fonction principale de récolte

// >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> GRAB THOSE TWEETS >>>>>>>>>>>>>

void grabTweets() {

color cl3 = color(70, 130, 180);
fill (cl3);
rect(0, (height/2)-120, width, 90);

fill(0, 25, 89, 255);
text("Reading the collective mind...", (width/8)-120, (height/2)-50); // THE ALERT FOR UPDATE CHECKING PAUSE

ConfigurationBuilder cbTest = new ConfigurationBuilder();
// ------- NB - the variables twitOAuthConsumerKey, etc. ARE IN A SEPARATE SHEET

Twitter twitterTest = new TwitterFactory(;

Query query = new Query(queryString); // this is default you check the first of 4 admin settings, but should be extended to include passing a selctor param
query.count(int(adminSettings[3])); // count is the number of tweets returned per page

QueryResult result =; // gets the query

int ll=1; // DEBUG STUFF
for (Status status : result.getTweets()) { // EXTRACT THE TWEETS
String user = status.getUser().getScreenName();// GET THE TWITTER USERNAME
usernames.add(user); // ADD TO THE ARRAYLIST FOR USERNAMES
String msg = status.getText(); // EXTRACT THE TWEET TEXT
println ("tweet #"+ll); // DEBUG STUFF
println(" + user); // DEBUG STUFF
println("Text of tweet=" + status.getText()); // DEBUG STUFF
println ("-----------");

//Break the tweet into words
String[] input = msg.split(" "); // BREAK DOWN THE TWEET USING SPACES AS A DELIMITER
for (int j = 0; j < input.length; j++) {


for (int ii = 0 ; ii < stopWords.size(); ii++) {

if (stopWords.get(ii).equals(input[j])) {
cleanTweets.remove(input[j]); // THIS WORD IS A STOP WORD - REMOVE IT!
println("Word removed due to matched stopword: "+input[j]); // DEBUG STUFF
} // end if
} //end for (ii++) //stopword c
}// end clean this msg
}// end of all tweet cleaning
println ("cleanTweets = "+cleanTweets);

for (int k = 0; k < cleanTweets.size(); k++) {
if ((cleanTweets.get(k).equals(queryString))!= true)
println ("(cleanTweets.get(k) <"+cleanTweets.get(k)+".equals(queryString))"+queryString+"!= true");
if (words.size() >int(adminSettings[6]))
} // keeps aray to a finite length by dropping off first element as new one is added

// >>>>>> make the list of hashtags
String hashtag= cleanTweets.get(k);

String hashtagArray[] = hashtag.split("#");
if (hashtagArray.length>1)
//println ("inside checker");
int v=words.size()-1;
if (queryType.equals("hashtag"))
if (hashtagArray[1].equals("#"+queryString)) {
else if (hashtags.size() >int(adminSettings[6])/10)
} // keeps aray to a finite length by dropping off first element as new one is added
println ("hashtagArray["+k+"]= "+hashtagArray[1]);
// <<<<<<<

// >>>>>>> set up list of usernames
String username= cleanTweets.get(k);
String usernameArray[] = username.split("
// println ("usernameArray = ");
//println (usernameArray);
if (usernameArray.length>1)

int vv=words.size()-1; // takes out the username by removing last entry in words()
// println ("usernameArray["+j+"]= "+usernameArray[1]);
if (usernames.size() >int(adminSettings[6])/6)
} // keeps aray to a finite length by dropping off first element as new one is added

// <<<<<<<<

// >>>>>>>> set up urls >>>>>>
String url = cleanTweets.get(k);
String urlArray[] = url.split("h");
if (urlArray.length>1)
String urlArray2[] = urlArray[1].split("t");
if (urlArray2.length>2)
int vvv=words.size()-1;
else if (urls.size() >int(adminSettings[6])/6)
} // keeps aray to a finite length by dropping off first element as new one is added

// <<<<<<<<<< end

// >>>>>>>>>>

println ("WORDS.SIZE () = "+words.size());
println ("words = "+words);
println ("
// >>>>>>> create text log file of words from pyschic scanning >>>>>>>>>
for (int p =0;p
uberWords = append (uberWords, words.get(p).toString());
uberWords = append (uberWords, "WORDS UPDATE REFRESH COMPLETED");
uberWords = append (uberWords, " ");
saveStrings ("words-"+stamp+".txt", uberWords);
// <<<<<< end word text log file

// >>>>>> create log file of users
for (int jj =0;jj

uberUsers = append (uberUsers, "

saveStrings ("users-"+stamp+".txt", uberUsers);
// <<<<<<<<< end user text log file

// >>>>>> create log file of hashtags
for (int jj =0;jj

uberHashtags = append (uberHashtags, "#"+hashtags.get(jj).toString());

saveStrings ("hashtags-"+stamp+".txt", uberHashtags);
// <<<<<<<<< end hashtag text log file

// >>>>>> create log file of urls
for (int jj =0;jj

uberUrls = append (uberUrls, urls.get(jj).toString());

saveStrings ("urls-"+stamp+".txt", uberUrls);
// <<<<<<<<< end url text log file

} //end try ??

catch(TwitterException e) {
println("TEST query tweet: " + e + " Status code: " + e.getStatusCode());
} // end try/catch

grabTime=millis(); // reset grabTime
if (loadSettingsFirstLoadFlag==true)
loadSettingsFirstLoadFlag =false; //
//this is the line that will cause subsequqnt updates to remove the first word(0)
} // <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< end grabTweets() <<<<<<<<

Fonction BUTTONCHECK() - vérification de l’interaction

void buttonCheck(String tweetTextIntro)
if (b.isPressed()) {
println("button being pressed");
sendTweet ("digital (onscreen) Button MOUSE");
// action for onscreen button press
// <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< end of BUTTONCHECK

// >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> check the open serial port >>>>>>>>>>

Fonction CHECKSERIAL() - vérifie les données de l’Arduino

void checkSerial() {
println ();
//println ("inside checkSerial()");
try {
// >>>>>> see if the port is sending you stuff
while (port.available () > 0) {
String inByte = port.readString();
println ("Safe from OUSIDE IF . inByte = "+inByte);
int w=int(random(150));
println ();
sendTweet ("physical Button");
} // end try
catch (Exception e) {
println ("Check serial exception = "+e);
} // <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< end checkSerial <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<

// >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> load remote admin settings >>>>>>>>>>>>>>

Fonction LOADREMOTESETTINGS() - tire contrôle les données de Google spreadsheetsdata

void loadRemoteAdminSettings ()
try {
String checkRandomSpeech = adminSettings[8];
adminSettings = loadStrings("");
if ((checkRandomSpeech.equals(adminSettings[8]))!=true) {
for (int i = 0 ; i < adminSettings.length; i++) {
println("adminSettings["+i+"]= "+adminSettings[i]);
} // end for

if (adminSettings[5].equals("h")) {
println ("use hashtag for search");
queryString = adminSettings[0];
queryType = "hashtag";
if (adminSettings[5].equals("u"))
println ("use username phrase for search");
queryString = adminSettings[1];
queryType = "username";
if (adminSettings[5].equals("s"))
println ("use search term for search");
queryString = adminSettings[2];
queryType = "search term";
// now load load fortune fragments
String frag1 []= loadStrings ("");
for (int ff1=0; ff1

println ("Fortune Frag1 = "+fortFrags1.get(ff1));
String frag2 []= loadStrings ("");
for (int ff2=0; ff2

println ("Fortune Frag2 = "+frag2[ff2]);
println ("Fortune Frag1 = "+fortFrags2.get(ff2));
String frag3 []= loadStrings ("");
for (int ff3=0; ff3

println ("Fortune Frag3 = "+frag3[ff3]);
String frag4 []= loadStrings ("");
for (int ff4=0; ff4

println ("Fortune Frag4 = "+frag4[ff4]);
// end if
catch (Exception e) {
println ("no CONNECTION");

// >>>>

LOADREMOTESTOPWORDS() - importe la liste de filtres de mot vide

void loadRemoteStopWords ()
try {
String stopWordsLoader [] = loadStrings("");

if (loadstopWordsCheckInt==true)
for (int i = 0 ; i < stopWordsLoader.length; i++) {
println("stopWords["+i+"]= "+stopWords.get(i)+". Length now: "+stopWords.size());
catch (Exception e)

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